Urban Forecast
Urban Forecast
Shaping Our Future Places: Insights from UKREiiF 2024
If you missed us at UKREiiF - catch all the insights here! In this episode of the Urban Forecast Podcast, live-streamed from the ‘Industry in Focus’ Pavilion at UKREiiF 2024, our panel of experts: Nicholas Boys Smith, Tim Heatley, Dan Swords and Ghislaine Halpenny, discuss the future of housing and placemaking.
In this engaging and informal session, our panelists explore ‘Shaping Our Places in the Next 5 Years, tackling key topics such as regeneration, community engagement, and the pivotal role of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) in urban development.
The conversation is rich with practical insights into the challenges and opportunities shaping our urban environments, making it a must-listen for those interested in the latest trends in sustainable development.
Grab a drink, sit back, and tune in to this stimulating episode that brings the lively UKREiiF discussion directly to you.